3 facts and 1 fiction: 

“Session started” declared Ms. Runtastic after I tapped on my smartphone screen. My jumpy feet blasted  off , each striding abruptly  from one side to the next  until those dashing wonders brought me to an unending muddy but well-trodden path through the woods. 
"It would be a good 5k run when I reach the end of this path", is a positive thought inked inside my coconut shell. I preoccupied myself with motivating beats in my ears as I kept focused one meter ahead of me but then I suddenly turned my head to my right shoulder and spotted something unusual...
“That can’t be right” I argued to myself while I noticed  something quite huge, hairy and with stripes slowly crawling from afar. “No that can’t be”,  still I continued to battle with that scary thought in my head. So just to prove myself wrong, slowly without disrupting my running rhythm I peered once again. “Whoa! No! that can’t be happening!” I  thought I spotted the wild creature’s glimmering dark eyes, looking at my direction! So with this proof,  my adrenaline level went from low to high that somehow brought my zooming feet on fire. I pushed on running even faster until the road ahead of me became more and more visible. With a relief,  I reached the finish line-  safe and sound. So  I slowly  halted and unstrapped my armband- 5k covered, 30 minutes finished were the data flashing on the Iphone screen .Gasping for breath  I whispered “Scary thought, a great run- not at all a bad combination.”

3 Fiction and 1 Fact:

I preferred the new place I live in now. It is a small place but it is just enough. I have a bed, a chair and a table. More notably, my new place has a wide window of gray metal railings that extended from the ceiling to the floor. It provides me with a very good view of what’s from the outside.

I hated the house where I used to live before because I felt like a prisoner there. I felt like a slave as I was pushed to do things I was not meant to do. I honestly felt that living there was like portraying the morbid version of ‘Belle’ from ‘the Beauty and the Beast’. In that old house I would hear a lot of demands from the clutters of papers, wrappers, tissues and all those sort of mess  annoyingly chanting at me -
“Pick me!” , “Throw me!” , “Keep me!”
And I would see the dirty dishes lying on the kitchen sink screaming at me,
‘Wash me, I’m dirty!”
Followed by the cranky  laundry machine aggressively beeping-
“Open me, I’m about throw out your clean laundry!”
Then the slim ironing board evenly  leaning on the wall like a cool-dude-in-hometown confiding me -  “Trust me, I am your friend and we can iron clothes together”
I remember it all clearly how that grouchy vacuum cleaner  gave  a sharp demand of :
“ Aim me, I am your weapon! “
And that gang consisting of a cup of warm coffee, the comfy sofa, a sturdy center table and their ever fabulous mate - Smart flat-screen TV in unison suggesting me to -  “have a break, sit down ,chill, relax and be lazy”  

One day, I just felt I have heard enough of their useless musings that on a spur of moment, I snapped. In full languish,  I covered my ears and I screamed defiantly, “Enough of all this evil!” 
Once and for all, their irritating sounds halted as they curiously watched me light a match and burn the tweak of a candle. Smoke began to build up as curtains, blankets, dirty clothes and newspapers glided whiffs of yellow, red, orange and grayish waves. The entire house became dark and humid so that day I decided to leave. I went out and slowly shut the door behind me.

So that was how I blew up my old house. 

Now I am thankful to be totally  free.

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