Tuesday 13 September 2016

Pinay Going Dutch: For my little Tinee-Winnee

Now for an official announcement just so everyone can be aware- I'm pregnant and already on my 34th week (how exciting!)
Pregnancy was to begin with, a challenging phase that I juggled together with my ongoing integration process here in the Netherlands. The last few months were quite difficult but in the long run, I managed to shrug off all the negative energies and focus instead on the best thing yet to come. Sometimes I still can't really believe it, I am carrying a child! As I ponder about it with my husband, we can only feel some sort of amazement and that made us feel grateful to have been blessed with this special bundle of joy soon to arrive in our lives. We can't be more prouder to say , " Our family is finally complete!"
In this note, let me share to you the poem I've made about our baby. For now she is called - 'Tinee Winee' because it is a common habit in Holland to keep the baby's actual name until he/she is born :). I've just experimented with poetry writing in line with a course i'm following now about Poetry and Mindfulness. 
Hope you enjoy my poetry. Please feel free to leave a comment below at your heart's desire! 

Pinay Going Dutch: For my little Tinee-Winnee: cough, colds and   flu- is how it started off and who would ever knew ? from there emerges, your tiny existence -completely blew me off ...

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